
5 Steps to Profit from Done-for-You Content

5 steps to profit from done for you content

Having done-for-you content in your digital library is a great time saver. But to make money from that content, you must have a plan. Here are five steps that anyone can use to start making money from done-for-you PLR content.

Step 1: Decide what your product is. 

Maybe a collection of journals or a report, journal, card deck, worksheet and checklist. ANYTHING that is a cohesive product that can help your customer achieve a goal, solve a problem, etc. Maybe you’ll also add a live class/webinar option to create more urgency for your offer and so your customers are excited to pay a more premium price. 

Step 2: Create a high value opt-in offer related to your product.

Perhaps any combination of a report, checklist, worksheet, journal page. Just make sure you don’t fully solve the problem that your product. Just give them some tools and information to get them on the right path, with your product being the next logical step. 

Step 3: Make sure your thank you page and follow up email series for your opt-in offer promote your product. 

Keep educating your audience on the topic, so they know they want to buy. 

Step 4: Publish and optimize content like articles, snippets from reports, graphics etc.

To start building traffic. This is key…by the way, in regard to getting free traffic from search engines, Yusef has something coming your way soon. Stay tuned. 

Step 5: Once you have traffic to the offer, see how it performs.

You can set up an affiliate program, so others can promote it for you for a commission. You can also start investing in some advertising if the numbers work well too. 

Then you can rinse and repeat. It really is that simple and you will learn so much in the process, so you can perfect it as you go.

 To Help You Make These Steps Easier …

And of course, we'd love to help make it easier to implement this with TONS of PLR. Please do check out our done-for-you content and PLR content packages.

To your publishing success,

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com

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