
Free Class with Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan

 "Stop Wasting Your Traffic: 5 Simple Things Your Product Offer Needs to Sell Like Crazy"

Your product may be awesome (we KNOW it is), but if your offer falls flat...so do your sales. Stop wasting that hard-earned traffic and make every visitor count! 

5 Things Your Hot Selling Product Must Have

It doesn't matter what you sell or where you sell it...it's your product offer that makes people decided to buy or just click away...probably never to come back again.

Hey, it's Alice and Yusef from EKitHub, with an opportunity to join us for a FREE CLASS that can turn your lukewarm product offer into a hot seller. 

It doesn't matter how fantastic or needed your product is, if your offer doesn't grab attention and differentiate you from all the competition selling similar products, people will just go elsewhere. 

This works whether you sell printables, courses, coaching programs or other digital products.

And YES...this works whether you sell on your own website or in marketplace like Amazon or Etsy.  

You work hard to create your products and get traffic to your products...make each visitor count. 

It's all based on over 20 years of online selling experience and having sold millions of dollars in digital products and teaching our customers to do the same. 

A Little Bit of Feedback from our Students and Customers

Free Class Feedback
We love seeing our customers DOING and ACHIEVING!

Let us help you create better offers to sell more products...and support you through your business-building journey. Here's your next step...

Get Your FREE Class Access + Worksheet Now

Just add your first name and email for instant access to the class and the worksheet. We'll also keep you up to date with more content creation and marketing advice...and special offers you don't want to miss.

Free Worksheet to Put Your Hot Offer Together

You'll also learn about our upcoming 30-day challenge and accountability group. We're here to help you each step of the way and can't wait to share these strategies with you.

We're excited to show you our hot offer creation strategies through real life examples, backed by over 20 years of marketing experience. Watch and find out how you can .

Can't wait to see you in class! 

To your publishing success,

Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com

P.S. Register now and you'll be able to instantly download our "5 Things to Create a Hot Product Offer" worksheet. Then join us for the 30-Day Challenge that will help you create your next hot selling product offer from start to finish! Details in the class.