
Free Download: 7 Free Positive Affirmations Cards with Complete Commercial-Use Private Label Rights 

Help your customers craft the mindset and life they want with these positive affirmations cards. You can download them absolutely free in fully-editable PSD plus JPG format and use it with our complete private label license.

Inspirational, affirmation and oracle card decks are growing in popularity and make great products for sale, download and print offers and even gifts for clients, colleagues and friends. They can also be used for blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, stories and more. You get one card from each of the following PLR niche topics: Confidence, Health, Motivation, Peace and Happiness, Prosperity, Relationships and Career.

7 Free Affirmations Cards

FREE! ($9.95 PLR Value)

Grab those 7 free cards and be sure to get all the extra cards plus 365 day journal and planner. You'll see that special offer when you add the free pack to your cart!

To your publishing success,

Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan

Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com