Try a Free Sample with Complete Private Label Commercial Use Rights including 8 Product Templates to Quickly Create Printables, Print-on-Demand Products, Social Media and More
This Free Product Template Pack is Available For a Short Time Only

If you're in the self-help niche this free content is for you. The content comes with complete private label rights that you can use to create products, coloring books, social media content and more.
This Content is Easy to Use and Saves You Plenty of Time and Money...While You Grow Your Business
Quality Content Created by Our In-House Designers
For Newbies and Seasoned Marketers Alike
Fully Editable and Brandable Content for Your Business
Easy to Use. Just Download, Edit and Publish
Create Products or Share as Free Content. You Choose
Keep 100% of the Profits. This is Your Content
Each Product Template Comes with:
- Product Template in PSD format – this fully editable format allows you to change fonts, colors, text, images, add branding. It's editable in Photoshop, but you can also use the free Photopea and GIMP editors.
- Product Template in PNG format – create t-shirts, mugs, notebooks, stickers, towels, phone cases, and more.
- Private Label Commercial-Use License - Which means you can brand, monetize and edit the content to share with your customers.
Get Your 8 Free Product Templates While You Can
We've saved you the time and money of creating the content yourself and you can download it all. Just click the "add to cart" button below to get your private label rights license...absolutely free.
FREE! ($19.95 PLR Value)
Use the content to create products, add it to your printables and book covers, publish it to your blog, social media and more. The choice is yours!
To your publishing success,
Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com
Private Label Commercial Rights License Info:
1. You can add the content to a product that you plan to sell or give away for individual use.
2. You can modify the content (by removing, adding or otherwise editing any elements) to suit your needs.
3. You can use the content in your websites, blogs, newsletters, social media or anywhere you publish content.
4. You can distribute the content as a viral report.
5. You can add your name, URL or logo as the author/creator of this PLR content
6. You cannot list EkitHub.com, HappyDogIsland.com, Happy Dog Island Store Inc. or anyone connected with our company as the author of this content. Why? This is private label rights content and we are offering the content without labels or branding.
7. You cannot sell or give away the original resell rights or offer any commercial rights to this content in any form.
8. You cannot allow your customers to edit the documents or files. Please provide them with a PDF or other non-editable files. Your CAN do customizations on behalf of your customers, but they cannot make edits of the original files.