Whether you are aware of it or not, routine plays a large part in all of our lives.
You may not currently be cognizant of your daily routines, but there is a big chance they are a significant part of your success. While on the other hand, negative routines may be unwittingly holding you back.
The dictionary defines routine as:
A sequence of actions that are regularly followed
As soon as you read that definition, you probably instantly thought of a number of routines you follow almost without thinking. These are the kind of daily actions you mindlessly take regardless of what laies ahead in your day.
Most of us inherently have routines based around things like our sleep, eating, hygiene, exercise and much more. Some of these routines are good and some of them … well, not so much.
You might not think about these things as a routine per se, but by definition they really are. They are quite literally a sequence of actions regularly followed.
For example, most of us have some type of routine we follow before bed every night. You go to the bathroom, you wash your face, brush your teeth, etc. No matter what specific actions you follow it is probably quite similar each evening. That is a routine.
Why Are Routines So Powerful?
Routines can be a powerful tool in business too once you recognize their importance.
Having routines that you already follow everyday is great, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. When you tap into the true power of routine, and create specific repeatable actions that propel you towards your goals – that’s when things get real.
The power of routine can’t be overstated. Just revisit the definition mentioned above ….
A sequence of actions regularly followed is pretty much the key to succeeding at anything.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to regularly repeat certain actions like eating healthy, or exercising.
Or to build wealth, you need to regularly repeat the actions that help you gain and save money.
And if you want to be happy, you need to regularly repeat the actions that make you feel happy.
Healthy, wealthy and happy – that is pretty much the definition of success in anyone’s eyes right?
Help Others Succeed
If you would like to help others work toward achieving their success using routines, be sure to download this free daily routine poster.
You can use this fun done-for-you poster as a printable in your Etsy Shop, as a product to sell on your website or as an opt-in to build your mailing list. Or it can be marketed as a print-on-demand piece of office wall art for that extra daily dose of inspiration.
If you are a merch seller, have the poster message printed on a line of t-shirts. The possibilities to use this ready-to-sell daily routine poster are almost limitless! Let us know how you are using it.
To your publishing success,
Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com