Free Downloadable Affiliate Guide with Checklists and Templates
Need an Income Boost? It's Easy to Do Simply by Recommending Other People's Products and We'll Show You How to Get Started and Maximize Your Results

One of the EASIEST ways to boost your income with almost no additional work (no product creation, no product listings or customer support required) is by recommending other people's products through an affiliate program.
All you do is tell your audience about the products you recommend and when they buy, you earn a commission. It's a marketing method used by many online businesses, but not all of them do it the right way. Let us show you how with our handy guides, checklists and templates.
Sign up for FREE right now and receive...
Our Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing Guide that takes you through the basics, if this is brand new to you. And don't worry, if you're already a savvy marketer, we've got plenty of goodies for you.
- What is an affiliate marketing?
- How can you get started with affiliate marketing?
- How to earn money from your website.
- Different ways to earn through affiliate marketing.
- How to spot a good affiliate program and researching products to recommend.
- Building relationships
- Why you are likely limiting your income by simply putting your printables for sale on Etsy or your website without doing this first.
- How to apply this method, even if you already have printables created and ready for sale.
- How to do this for FREE if you don't want to spend money on an expensive webinar platform.
- How to identify your audience and deliver them exactly what they need.
- How to market you offer, grow your list and get new customers.
- How this method STILL works, even if you want to put your printables on Etsy.
- How to turn your own "get paid before" idea into lots of other ideas to increase your sales
It's a quick 9-page read that will have you started in no time. We've also included...
The Do's and Don'ts of Affiliate Marketing
This quick-reference 5 page guide wastes no time and make sure you are on board with the best practices and don't make the mistakes many affiliates end up making.
And of course, if you have any questions about anything covered in these two handy guides, you can always find us in the EKitHub Facebook Group. We're always happy to help.
Now to help you even further, we've got...
A Handy Collection of Templates and Checklists Including:
- Affiliate Program Tracking Spreadsheet: Once you get started, it’s easy to lose track of what you’ve signed up, your logins and payments. This handy spreadsheet lets you keep on top of things easily.
- Evaluate Good Affiliate Programs Checklist: Not all affiliate programs are created equal. This checklist will help you find the best programs for you.
- Promoting an Affiliate Product Checklist: This one includes 30 handy ideas for promoting products through your affiliate link.
- 4-Part Email Promotion Series: Just fill in the blacks to create a promotional email series to earn more affiliate commissions.
The Benefits of Incorporating Affiliate Marketing into Your Business
- No out-of-pocket expenses. Affiliate programs are free to join.
- No products to create. The affiliate program creates them for you.
- No customer service to provide. Just refer your audience and they'll take care of the rest.
- The ability to provide great advice to your audience, all the while recommending products and earning commissions.
- First a more loyal audience that seeks your advice. After all, if you always make good product recommendations, your customers and subscribers will always come to you first when they need advice.
- Recurring revenue. Many affiliate programs are subscription based and offer ongoing commissions.
- Easy to way to add complementary products to your own, but you don't have to create them.
If you're ready to boost your online income without the heavy lifiting, just download the quick-reference guides, checklists and fill-in-the-blanks templates to make it easy.
Click the “Add to Cart” Button Below Instant Access. It's a $27 Value, but Yours Totally Free...
And as always, we're always here to help. Once you sign up, join us in the EKitHub Facebook Group and we can give you a hand, each step of the way. You'll see the link on your download page.
To your publishing success,
Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com