
Limited-Time FREE Report: Power of Easy-to-Create Printables to Boost the Value of Your Coaching Programs & Courses

Get it Absolutely Free, While You Still Can... 

Free Boost Your Coaching Report

If you’ve launched a coaching program or course, you might wonder what you can do to:

•    Charge more premium prices
•    Get better results for your clients
•    Help ensure repeat purchases
•    Generate more word-of-mouth

…well, the answer might be simpler than you think.

You can do this ALL with the power of printables. These easy-to-make documents (once you know how to create them) can pack a real powerful punch when it comes to the value of your coaching program or course.

This Free Starter Guide Covers:

  • What are Printables?
  • Why Printables are Such Great Value Boosting Content
  • Why People Love Printables and They're Such Hot Selling Products
  • 17 Ideas for Implementing Printables into Programs and Courses...in a Variety of Niches

It'll get you moving in the right direction for charging more for your programs AND getting better client results. 

Grab Your FREE Coaching Program and Course Boosting Report Now

Just enter your first name, primary email address and click the download button. You'll be well on your way to unleashing the power of printables in your coaching program or course. 

FREE! ($19.95 PLR Value)

Stop trading hours for dollars, doing one-on-one coaching or trying to create more "information" for your clients. Use the power of easy to create printables instead!

To your publishing success,

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com