
Success! You're Registered for the Free Etsy Domination Class

We have emailed your class info to you, but just in case it doesn't reach you, take note of these class details.

Class Details:

How to Join The Class (IMPORTANT):

Our class will take place on the Zoom Platform. If you do not have the Zoom software installed (it's FREE), please take a moment to install it now, so you aren't late for class. You don't want to miss a single moment.

Link to join the Etsy Domination Class.

Again, there is a very quick free software download to complete if you've never attended a Zoom meeting before. See you at 2 PM Eastern on Thursday, September 24th.

Free Class Starts In:

See you Thursday at 2 PM Eastern! We are really looking forward to this. This is NOT the usual stuff you find when you search for Etsy marketing tips on Google. This is next level insider info that will ensure you're making the right moves to get your products seen and purchased on Etsy.

To your publishing success,

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba