
Free Class with Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan...Plus a Downloadable Action Plan to Get Started Right Away

"How to Beat Procrastination and Make a Better Product That Sells Like Crazy"

If You Struggle to Successfully Launch Your Digital Product, It's Not Your Fault. People are Teaching You to Do the Product Creation Process Completely Backward.  Let's Fix That Right Now...

Free Get Your Product Done Live Event

If you've ever got bogged down in the product creation and launch process, you're NOT alone and it's really not your fault.

People have been teaching you course creation completely BACKWARD. There are too many moving parts and places to get stuck...not to mention, when they tell you to do things in the wrong order, it's harder to create a product and offer people REALLY want to buy.

We're recently a one-time only live FREE event that shared a few tweaks that will help you go from product idea to launch MUCH faster...with the added benefit of making it a BETTER product that your audience can't wait to buy

In this fun-filled and informative event, we covered:

  • Why traditional methods of digital product and course creation inspire procrastination and make it harder to get things done. 
  • What you should do instead to simplify the process, get built-in accountability and stay focused on your customers needs. 
  • The simple 7-part process from going from start to finish in selling your product.
  • Why not understanding technology is NOT a barrier to making this work...and how to get over that block. 
  • Why you DON'T need a huge audience or to depend on social site algorithms to make this work.

FREE Instant Access to the Complete Recorded Event + Downloadable Notes and Action Plan

Just add your first name and email below for instant access. We'll also keep you up to date with more content creation and marketing advice...and special offers you don't want to miss! 


With decades of experience under our belts and having sold millions of dollars in digital products, we've learned how to get from idea to income SUPER FAST. Let us show you how! 

To your publishing success,

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com