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We're so glad that you picked up this holiday PLR deal. We know life gets busy, especially during the holidays, and we'd hate for you to miss any of the daily deals. That's why we've put ALL 7 deals into one handy package for you.
Not only do you get access to all 7 daily deals, you'll:
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- Get INSTANT access to all 7 daily deals, valued at $469.
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- Get 7 MORE high-value PLR + printable packages, valued at $329.
As a Recap, Here are the 7 Daily Deals
...Including the One You Just Downloaded
This is a special one-time ONLY offer. If you wait and try to grab the 7 Daily Deals Pack from our website, you'll pay too much. THIS is the best PLR-packed deal available, so don't miss your chance.
Power of a Daily Routine
Confidence & Self-Esteem
Get out Of Your Comfort Zone
Power of Purpose
Law of Attraction
Wealth Mindset
Create Your Dream Life
And Here are Your Private Special Offer Bonuses (Valued at $329)...
- MORE Daily Routine PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
- MORE Confidence and Self-Esteem PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
- MORE Get out of Your Comfort Zone PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
- MORE Power of Purpose PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
- MORE Law of Attraction PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
- MORE Wealth Mindset PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
- MORE Creating Your Dream Life PLR with Printables...Valued at $47
All in all, it's a $798 PLR value that you can grab all at once, in one HUGE money-saving price.
Get Access to All 7 Deals, Bonuses & Pricing
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To your publishing success,
Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at