We're always on the lookout for awesome printables we can share with our community at EKitHub. If you create your own original printables with private label rights and have an affiliate program, please let us know about it, so we can consider your product for sharing in our active group and possibly to our customer list as well.
To be considered…
1. Please make sure we're signed up for your affiliate program. Here is the information you need to create a new account for us, if needed:
- Signup Email Address: [email protected]
- Our PayPal Account: [email protected]
- Name on the Affiliate Account: Yusef Kulan
- Company Name: EKitHub
If your affiliate program requires more information to sign us up, please let us know at: [email protected].
2. Once we are an affiliate of your program, fill out the submission form below.
NOTE: Products submitted are for promotion consideration only; there are no guarantees every product will be selected by us for promotion on EKitHub.
Please make sure your submission includes a special offer/pricing for our members. It can be a part of your special launch pricing or coupon code…but do make sure our members get a special deal.Thanks so much for sharing your product with us and we hope to be able to bring some new customers to you.
To Your Success,
Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan
Your Partners in Printable Products Promotion at EkitHub.com