
Feeling Stuck in Your Business? Here’s How to Turn it Around…

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Let's talk about getting stuck in your business…about feeling overwhelmed and not being sure what to do or when.

If you feel stuck in your business…you certainly are not alone. BUT getting unstuck is probably easier than you think, especially when you know the source of WHY you feel stuck.

Maybe you have too many questions and not enough goals? I'll explain…

It's a very common theme for budding online entrepreneurs to have a TON of questions. They aren't sure what to do and they feel stumped because there is SO much they can do.

How do they get a social media following? How often should they post? What should they post?

How do they build a website? What should they put on their website? How many pages should it have?

How often should they blog? How long should the posts be? What should they be about?

🛑✋ STOP The Incessant Questions Because That is What's Overloading You 🛑✋

Instead, pick a goal and then work ONE step at a time to achieve it. All the the things you need to learn will present themselves as you ACTUALLY need to learn them.


I want to grow my list of potential BUYERS.

Therefore, I will start by doing the precise things I need to do that. I'll start by making a free gift that empowers my audience to solve a problem or reach a goal…and I'll also introduce them to my product that makes it so much easier.

Then, I'll start growing traffic to that offer, one step at a time. I'll try different things and see what sticks. I'll do more of those things that do.

I'll also be more likely to select the MOST EFFECTIVE things to do, rather than worrying about doing EVERYTHING with mediocre results. I have just one goal…I will achieve it.

Stop worrying about what you don't know. Start doing so you work toward your specific goal.

What's your GOAL?

What To Do Next: Get Focused and Create Synergy in Your Business with This Quick-Action Guide + Checklists

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If you're looking to get focused and staying on track with the GOALS in your business have a very handy package on “Creating Synergy Between Your Marketing Efforts to Get More Results with Less Work“.

It includes a quick-action guide and the following checklists:

  • 20 Ways to Leverage Customer Goodwill for More Sales Checklist
  • 30 Promotional Content Ideas Checklist
  • 30 Ways to Repurpose Your Content Checklist
  • What to Do When You Publish Content Checklist
  • What to Do When You Release a Product Checklist

Click here to Access the Content Synergy Quick-Action + Checklists

It doesn't matter how SMALL your audience or resources are now. When you work consistently and learn how to make all these things work together you can't help but grow.

If you'd like some more food for thought to reset your mindset for success, this might help…

What You Need INSTEAD of Step-by-Step Cookie Cutter Advice

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One of the biggest mistakes we see hopeful entrepreneurs make is made even before they get started.

And it’s probably the biggest reason many of them NEVER get started.

And that’s getting hung up on the need to have step by step instructions for everything in order to get their business off the ground.

They say things like…

“I could be really successful if someone just told me to do XYZ…because then I’d know what to do and I’d do it.”

“It’s easy for you because you [insert thing the other person worked hard for]. What do you do if you don’t have [insert thing the other person worked hard for].”

Business is not a cookie cutter. If it were, everyone could instantly be a business tycoon.

And sure, within your business there are specific tasks or software you need to learn and those usually can be taught step by step. But that is NOT the stuff that makes you successful. That's the stuff the stuff you can find on Google or in the software manual as you happen to need it.

Your success in business depends on your decision making skills that help you decide what strategies to employ and what tasks are needed to implement those strategies. You simply can’t get to learning step by step tasks until you know your strategy.

And your strategy depends on:

  • your unique business
  • your own skill set
  • the resources you have
  • your personality and preferences
  • your overall goals in life and business

…and until you start considering those things and learning to leverage them to build your business, you’ll keep feeling lost. You’ll buy course after course, promising to teach you a certain skill…but it never quite works how you’d hoped.

Most people tell you what to do…either based on their unique experience or what they have heard works.

We prefer to show you what we do and explain WHY…and give you ideas on how it could work for your unique business and needs.

THAT’S how you learn entrepreneurship and decision making. By getting deep into the why, so you can see how everything works and how it fits in with what you’re trying to accomplishment within your own unique needs, resources and goals.

Once You Have Your Goal and You Start Building Your Assets (Even If They're Small to Start), It Becomes EASY to Leverage Them Together to GROW.

If It's Starting to Make Sense, Now's the PERFECT Time to Grab This “Creating Synergy” Quick-Action Guide + Checklists

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Business doesn't just take off overnight. It requires diligent work and careful adjustment…and most importantly, LEVERAGING of resources that you have. If you're not prepared to do that, you're going to continue to have these frustrating days where you feel nothing is working.

BUT don't worry that you have to work day in and day out. Just a little work each day, will bring you close and closer to your goal.

When you embrace the idea of “Creating Synergy Between Your Marketing Efforts,” you will see faster and steadier progress. That's EXACTLY why we created this QUICK-ACTION guide (a short, concise read) and checklists, so you can just get moving and DOING more for your business, without working yourself to the bone.

Click here to Access the Content Synergy Quick-Action + Checklists

Again, it doesn't matter how SMALL your audience or resources are now. When you work consistently and learn how to make all these things work together you can't help but grow.

And if you'd like just a few more guidelines before you pick up your Creating Synergy Quick Start Guide + Checklists, here you are…

3 Things You Should Do EVERY SINGLE Day in Your Business

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A lot of people think growing your online business has to be hard, complicated or too much work.

But it's not. You can even do it in less than an hour a day. So even if you have a job, family to attend to or other priorities, you can still build your audience, get more sales and connect with your audience every single day.

It's really simple actually and can be boiled down to three simple tasks. Focus on these and do just one thing each day in each group and reap the rewards.

Do one thing grow your audience.
Do one thing to get more sales.
Do one thing to connect to your audience on a personal level.

If you're not sure what “things” you can do in each category each day, you can read the complete blog post here.

Do one thing from each of those every single day, you're going to be moving forward ALL the time.

We hope you've found these helpful mindset shifts to help you become a more successful entrepreneur. Just a reminder that if you want to learn how to leverage ALL your resources, no matter what their size, pick this one up…

Now's the Time to Get Focused and Create Synergy in Your Business with This Quick-Action Guide + Checklists

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If you're looking to get focused and staying on track with the GOALS in your business have a very handy package on “Creating Synergy Between Your Marketing Efforts to Get More Results with Less Work“.

It includes a quick-action guide and the following checklists:

  • 20 Ways to Leverage Customer Goodwill for More Sales Checklist
  • 30 Promotional Content Ideas Checklist
  • 30 Ways to Repurpose Your Content Checklist
  • What to Do When You Publish Content Checklist
  • What to Do When You Release a Product Checklist

Click here to Access the Content Synergy Quick-Action + Checklists

ONE MORE TIME – It doesn't matter how SMALL your audience or resources are now. When you work consistently and learn how to make all these things work together you can't help but grow.

We all start from ZERO, but those who work diligently and learn to leverage keep moving forward.

To your publishing success,

Alice and Yusef

Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at EKitHub.com

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